FREESPIRIT  Windsurf Wave Expression' 21.

-  2021 March -19th to 22nd.

  • FREESPIRIT Wave Expression.
  • Informal Fun-Open entry- Free Wave expression.
  • CAPETOWN- Sunset, Big bay,  to be confirmed, prior to weekend roaming venue.
  • DATE: 19,20,21,22 March.
  • FORMAT- Open entry- Free Wave expression.
  • ENTRY- online-Entry form link-click -
  • Schedule:
  • Registration : Friday 19th venue TRECASTELLI  Restaurant -Table view, From 5pm-
  • Announcement's on WATAPP GROUP , HEAT SCHEDULE, also at Beach Site updated at Beach.
  • Day 1- FS WAVE EXPRESSION x1- SAT 20th March- 1st Round R1- From 10am, followed with R2 to final.
  • Day 2-FS WAVE EXPRESSION- Sun 21st March- Finish X1 Rounds/Final. Start X2 ,From first Wind 10am-..
  • Day 3-FS WAVE EXPRESSION- Mon 22nd March-From first Wind 10am- Finish X2 Rounds/Final. then Double Elim. heats , then X3 quart, Semi and Finals.X2 . 
  • Prizegiving TRECASTELLI  Restaurant -Table view.
  • Schedule of heats and entries and  daily happy hour prizegiving venue Notified on Watsapp Event Group.
  • Lucky draws and Category winners prizes. Main prizes 1st,2nd 3rd.
  • Event prizegiving  venue and daily venue post event to be confirmed.
  • Do an entry form online -above menu link/ Link below, do eft payment, then confirmed entry will be enlisted on watsapp competitors group. please read understand rules.
  • Entry includes, event entry, membership SAWindsurf, event tee shirt, and lucky draw prizes.

  • Pictures scores and event details; also on Facebook - FreespiritBoardriders
  • A- Overall Rules and Event details:
  1. Entry capped at 36- 50, depending on wind forecast. Batched Entries, open to any wave windsurfer who is capable in ocean conditions and take part in a timed Free Wave type expression, abiding by our rules and regulations in Events [Freespirit boardrider & rules regs]
  2. Batch duration <15mins- conditions dependent. confirmed at brief.
  3. Paid Entries are enlisted into Event group and notified of their batches , rules, start time and Venue. 
  4. Venue may move in the day for better wind and conditions.
  5. All competitors in batches will be photographed and judged by two official judges, based on photos, at day end, or as heats require.
  6. Round 2 remix of winners round 1, either 2 or 1 go through, depends wind time forecasts.
  7. Sail area COMP ZONE-direct view of photographers-80m either a no freesail zone.  warm ups out of comp zone.
  8. Branding: Only event official branding allowed to be displayed, no car flags and banners , except on entrants Equipment; Board, sail & attire, clothing are personal Sponsors and branding allowed. At all times during and post event functions. Please wear event Shirt at Post beach functions, support and promote sponsors of the event. Products and other are on sale from sponsors at event.
  9. Entry non refundable. event will take place. if no wind carry over date +2weeks.
  10. Event is a social informal event .
  11. Registration Friday 19th venue - all to attend and register and check sign in at beach prior to Beach brief.
  12. Entry form must be complete, and tick acceptance of rules and your own liability. And redone at registration. Nor FreeSpirit Boardriders nor SAWindsurf accepts any liability whatsoever, and  by accepting conditions deems that final. 
  13. It is warned that injury and damages occur in such sport and all risks and loses are totally entrants responsibility and account.
  14. Event Director is at rights to refuse entry to person, for any unsafe and reason in the best interests of the event safety and local by laws.
  15. No Littering allowed, dirt bins are provided,. No entrance or damage to environmental conditions and bush. No obstruction of roadways and parking access, open access must remain to beach point.
  16. Pre and post event clean up requested, please pick up any litter, even if its not yours, keep our oceans clean!
  17. Any rescue or life threatening incident will be treated as high priority, extended cost of such may be for  entrant account and their insurance cover.
  18. FreeSpirit Boardriders & SAWindsurf & its sponsors; Have all rights reserved and own all Pictures and media captured within the event. Note all publications and shares must include the full Event Name .
  19. COVID rules apply- Masks at  registration check in , Social Distancing, Sanitizing.
  20. ENTRY payment to EFT- pre event to bank account.
  • ENTRY- online-Entry form link-click -
  • Payment details below.

B-  SAWindsurf -Wave Expression-Judging Factors-Rules & regulations.

Open download ;Judging criteria , Rules &  Regs pdf below.
Fs Wave Exp-  Rules regs.pdf Fs Wave Exp- Rules regs.pdf
Size : 172.404 Kb
Type : pdf


Open -

-Date -sat 20 mar

-Sunset beach -  Forata dr

-11am  briefing

- 12 h00 start- Round 1 heats

-VENUE: Day1 1-Sunset with possible  Big bay  later.

-Entry is Still Open NOW 

- Contact us on form below for questions to enter.

Early entry guarantee's tee shirt

Fee R450.-R200 goes to SAWindsurf membership.


Live sunset cam and facebook live video goes live stream. each heat.


First dates options: sat 20 mar 2021.
-plan dates:20,21,22.
Each a day an event  with possible carry date, if no wind.
Fun exciting and social.

All entries go on the event watsap group, please check you are on.


FreeSpirit Boardriders.


Event Entry Question. Contact Us

Event type